
To reduce gender inequality, introduce paid sick leave

To reduce gender inequality, introduce paid sick leave In the week of International Women’s Day let’s celebrate BC’s positive steps toward gender equality while bringing attention to the changes still needed. When it comes to gender and (paid) work, one recent big achievement is the BC government’s introduction of job-protected paid leave for workers who

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Paid sick leave finally on the agenda: Here’s why it matters

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that everyone’s health and well-being depends on workers being able to stay home when they are sick. In BC, workers now have a legal right to time off when they are ill—three days for regular illness and unlimited time for COVID-19—but not paid time off. As a result,

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Working multiple jobs to make ends meet: More common in BC than we might think

The devastating toll of COVID-19 in nursing homes across the country has drawn attention to the fact that many workers in long-term care work at multiple facilities because they need more than one job to make a living, and this has directly contributed to the tragedy that is currently unfolding. Unfortunately, long-term care workers aren’t

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