Academic Papers
First Paper
CCPA research doesn’t just sit on a shelf gathering dust. Every month, we are featured in hundreds of media stories. We work proactively to balance media coverage of issues like the economy, poverty, the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us, climate change, health care, education, and much more.

Second Paper
CCPA research doesn’t just sit on a shelf gathering dust. Every month, we are featured in hundreds of media stories. We work proactively to balance media coverage of issues like the economy, poverty, the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us, climate change, health care, education, and much more.

Third Paper
CCPA research doesn’t just sit on a shelf gathering dust. Every month, we are featured in hundreds of media stories. We work proactively to balance media coverage of issues like the economy, poverty, the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us, climate change, health care, education, and much more.